Thursday, February 28, 2008

Important milestone

Jen and Brenna went to the DMV a couple of days ago and Brenna walked out with a brand new Learner's Permit in her possession. She got her first real road experience later that night when I went out driving with her. Should I be concerned that she kept repeating "I just want to go so fast!" as she would lean forward over the steering wheel?

She ran her very first red light that same night. I had her driving down State St. (OK - my mistake for having her drive this busy street at night her first time out) when a green light went to yellow. She wasn't ready to slow down and stop, so we just went through.

We went driving again tonight; turns out she has a slightly different understanding of how the pedals should be used. She's always pressing on one of them. There is no off position on the accelerator pedal. As we were driving down the street, I teased her about how fast she was going. "I'm sorry, it's just so wide open and straight!" Several times through the drive as we would pull out from a stop sign, I'd tell her when she reached the speed limit. And then she'd just keep going faster. Gonna be interesting few months...

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