Sunday, March 16, 2008

It finally worked!! Here is the picture we took with everybody on my birthday!! What fun!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mom's Birthday

I thought mom would've put something on here by now about how much she loved her birthday. I know we had fun surprising her! And boy was she surprised. I was surprised by how upset some people were that they were not in on the whole thing. I guess you can't please everyone...

It was so hard being in the hotel with her Fri. night and Sat. morning. Especially when she said "I guess we should've had a party or something" I nearly lost it right then. Plus Dad kept calling on the cell phone to check where we were.

Anyway, I think the party was a big success. I especially loved watching mom as she saw all the different people who kept coming to see her, since she didn't know who we had invited. It was a fun weekend with everyone, but too short as always. She said she was totally brain dead at work on Monday from all of the activities of the weekend. I think she was back to normal by Tuesday, though.

Sophie and I enjoyed the rest of the week with mom and dad. I hope we didn't leave things too chaotic for them and that we didn't keep them from getting all their work done. Sophie had us play foosball and Wii for FHE Monday night and I think Dad lost at least an hour and a half to that. I think maybe it was good for him to get a bit of a break

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being there for mom, and for all of the help to make the party so great! I know she won't forget it for a long time!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

She made the team

One more quick note about Brenna. She made it onto the Sophomore softball team today. They've been having try outs the past few days. The coach told her not to expect much playing time; a lot of the other girls have had a lot of experience playing on club teams, but she's really excited and looking forward to being on the team. Their first game is next week.

Important milestone

Jen and Brenna went to the DMV a couple of days ago and Brenna walked out with a brand new Learner's Permit in her possession. She got her first real road experience later that night when I went out driving with her. Should I be concerned that she kept repeating "I just want to go so fast!" as she would lean forward over the steering wheel?

She ran her very first red light that same night. I had her driving down State St. (OK - my mistake for having her drive this busy street at night her first time out) when a green light went to yellow. She wasn't ready to slow down and stop, so we just went through.

We went driving again tonight; turns out she has a slightly different understanding of how the pedals should be used. She's always pressing on one of them. There is no off position on the accelerator pedal. As we were driving down the street, I teased her about how fast she was going. "I'm sorry, it's just so wide open and straight!" Several times through the drive as we would pull out from a stop sign, I'd tell her when she reached the speed limit. And then she'd just keep going faster. Gonna be interesting few months...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday--February 24

Well, hello to all of our family out there. Is everyone watching the Oscars? Dad has it on while he is working at the kitchen table. How is everybody this last week of February? We are really enjoying that it is still light out at 5:00. Rainy day, but better than snow and cold.
Dad actually went golfing Saturday and played 9 holes. So Keith, you are not the only one able to play golf in February! Other than that, we are busy working on tax returns. By the way, I worked Saturday while dad played golf. But he had stayed up 'til two in the morning working, so I really think it was a good break for him.

So, Amber, how is college this semester? We really hope you get a job up here this summer. We would love to have you with us for some time. I always forget you are still not living at home--I always picture you there.

We are getting excited for the arrival of midnight girl (Sophie Lewis) this Friday, and Jen and then Ryan and Charlotte!! Which, by the way, for those of you who we haven't talked to, Natalie and Craig had a baby boy on Feb. 21. They barely made it to the hospital in time, with Craig speeding the whole way to the hospital. Then fifteen minutes, Joseph Curt Acton was born. He is a beautiful baby and Natalie is feeling much, much better.

Last week, Bullet got into the house with a bird, and then proceeded to eat it on the basement stair landing. I think Natalie let him in, and didn't notice the bird. When we got home there were feathers everywhere on the stairs, and lots of bird seed!! So Bullet got removed to the outside for several days. These pets!!

Hope you all have a wonderful week, and that you take good care of each other all the time!! Love to you all. Mom

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hello Everyone!

Well, mom's been after me to get something on here. I keep telling her that I'm way to boring. But I figured since I'm just sitting here in my bed watching the superbowl I might as well write a little something. I'm cheering for the Giants by the way, Mom. They are winning right now, but New England's about to score I think. :(

So lets see what else have I been up to? I am going to the Jazz game tomorrow. My company has season tickets, so I get to go every now and then. I'm not really a big jazz fan, but its pretty fun to go. Plus they have a new player that is really cute, so I like to watch him. It keeps me entertained at least.

I've also been playing on a volleyball team with Wendy down in Spanish Fork, we're in the tournament right now, but we did so badly during the regular season that they actually dropped us down a division. We lost one game, but one the next one last week, so we're still in it for now. I'm not sure why we're not very good, we have some really good players. But its fun if nothing else. ( And New England just scored, typical!)

Also, I am incredibly sick of all the snow we are getting, it is completely ridiculous. And of course, even worse than the snow is all the stupid drivers we have here in Utah. It still surprises me that people really just can't handle it. We had a big storm today, and supposedly there's more on the way. Will it ever end?

So I guess that's all for now, hope everyone is doing well!


Friday, February 1, 2008

Well, the week kind of got away from me. I started to write last Sunday and had some computer problems, (or more like I was the problem) but I couldn't come back and find my post to publish it. Just read Jen's post--yes, Sophie is quite and mini-teenager isn't she? If any of you haven't heard about all of our snow this past week, it is quite amazing!!. Snoqualmie Pass has been closed for two or three days, and they still are not sure when it will reopen. They have had 5 feet of snow this week, but down here we have had very little. Maybe an inch or two. Stevens Pass is closed off and on, and all the truckers are trying to come over Stevens, so we have noticed the increase in big semis.

We are going to watch the funeral for Pres. Hinkcley tomorrow. For Val and Charlotte, he was the president of our church, and loved by all for his kindness, and humor, and dedication. We will miss his leadership greatly.

Brian is coming over Sunday to watch the Super Bowl--dad invited him, and now dad has to go to a meeting in Othello. But he should be back for the second half anyway. Is anyone rooting for a specific team?

Well, love to all, and hope you all have had a good week. Talk to you soon. Love, Mom

Thursday, January 31, 2008

4 going on 14?

Had to take away a TOY cell phone from Sophie the other night. We were trying to have family home evening and she was TEXTING in the middle of it. We would ask her to put it away, but then she would get it out and start up again. Brenna isn't even that bad...

Also we learned that night that Sophie should not be allowed to conduct FHE. It kind of put her on a bit of a power trip for the rest of the night. She made us all raise our hand if we wanted to speak at all. It was kind of funny for awhile, but it did start to get to be a little much.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bad Dog!

It's been a rough few days around here with Daisy. We've noticed that she hasn't been scratching at the door to go outside late in the evening and early in the morning. On Sunday, I found a couple of spots in Sophie's room. I broke out our little carpet cleaner, but it didn't get out the yellow stains. I'm going to have to look for a stronger carpet detergent/spot remover. Then tonight, I found more spots down at the bottom of the stairs right outside of Amber's bedroom door. It looked like she's been going down there for several days.

It's been pretty cold lately - maybe she just doesn't want to brave the elements. We've also got quite a bit of snow - it's high enough that she doesn't have any clearance when she squats her rear down to do her business. Either way, she'd better get it figured out pretty quick!

Monday, January 21, 2008

What a great idea! It wouldn't let me leave a comment, though. It asks for a google account, which we don't have. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
Today is a holiday for me, but Ryan is at work in his new role as Lift Op. Supervisor! He has to go in really early, but will eventually go down to 4 days/week. I think he feels good about the promotion and I can tell that he simply loves it up there. He gets to snowboard more, for one thing!
We're all signed up for a birthing class at Providence in Hood River (where I'll have the baby). It's a 5 week class, starting on the 30th. My next dr. appt. is on Wednesday. I've come up with a whole list of questions this time! The more moms I talk to, the more questions I have! IToday I'll go visit a neighbor who had her baby there 2 weeks ago. I'm sure that she will have lots of info. for me. Our baby is sure a busy thing! Like clockwork: as soon as I lay down in bed and when I get in the car after work...sudden stillness and quiet. I can sometimes swear that I feel the movements from the outside, but it's so fleeting that Ryan hasn't caught one yet. Soon, I'm sure.
My correspondence was terrible this year--both in greetings and thank you's. So, thank you for the lovely gifts! I think we will have the best dressed baby around! I love my new scarf and gloves. My skin won't tolerate wool at all and hardly any material besides cotton, so it's perfect to be able to stay cuddly and warm!
I guess I better feed myself--this little one seems to be hungry! Love to you and Randy! ~Charlotte

Sunday, January 20, 2008

  • Okay, I am trying this again. I cannot get the pictures to upload. It might be our server. Maybe one of you can try.
  • Hi to Amber at college. Study hard.
  • Hi to Tyler and Janae who gave talks in church today.
  • Hi to Kanyon in Sacramento--your grandma loves You!
  • Hi to everyone else too. I love you . Mom

Intro to blog

Hi to our family--I decided I would like to try a blog page for our family, so we could keep in touch and post pictures. I always miss you guys after the holidays, so thought maybe this would be a way we would keep up on what everybody else is doing. So hope it works. I am just learning about this blog thing, but I think we can all add to it and put pictures on it. So I will try.

Thanks to all who could come home for Christmas, it was really fun. Which is why now I am really missing Tyler and Janae because they couldn't be here. We are still pursuing the cruise idea, but only if everyone want to come, and it may just be too expensive to go at Christmas time. Either way, I was wondering if you could all come up for Dad's birthday this year--the big 60!! I thought I might have a big party here with a lot of his tax clients and friends from church. So think about that and let me know if that might work. Charlotte, hope you are feeling well--we are getting so excited. I have been working on a couple of baby quilts, and every time I go down and sew on them, I just get to excited I can hardly wait!!

So, if this blog works, let me know by posting something on it. Love, Mom