Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hello Everyone!

Well, mom's been after me to get something on here. I keep telling her that I'm way to boring. But I figured since I'm just sitting here in my bed watching the superbowl I might as well write a little something. I'm cheering for the Giants by the way, Mom. They are winning right now, but New England's about to score I think. :(

So lets see what else have I been up to? I am going to the Jazz game tomorrow. My company has season tickets, so I get to go every now and then. I'm not really a big jazz fan, but its pretty fun to go. Plus they have a new player that is really cute, so I like to watch him. It keeps me entertained at least.

I've also been playing on a volleyball team with Wendy down in Spanish Fork, we're in the tournament right now, but we did so badly during the regular season that they actually dropped us down a division. We lost one game, but one the next one last week, so we're still in it for now. I'm not sure why we're not very good, we have some really good players. But its fun if nothing else. ( And New England just scored, typical!)

Also, I am incredibly sick of all the snow we are getting, it is completely ridiculous. And of course, even worse than the snow is all the stupid drivers we have here in Utah. It still surprises me that people really just can't handle it. We had a big storm today, and supposedly there's more on the way. Will it ever end?

So I guess that's all for now, hope everyone is doing well!


1 comment:

Susie Webb said...

Way to go Sarah! I was responding to your post last night when Bullet wanted some attention and got on the desk and pushed the escape key. I lost my message and then I couldn't even get back in. That darn cat! Anyway, it was a great game, very exciting right down to the one second finish. Have a great time at the Jazz game. Love, Mom